Plan 9 and Inferno at the Google Summer of Code

The end (2007/08/20)

  1. The QEMU-on-Plan 9 strategy paper has morphed, growing a lot more discussion of QEMU internals. The latest version is available here.

  2. Changes to libdynld are complete. The tarball is here. Some additional commentary is available here.

Update (2007/08/14)

Long time, no update. Sorry about that.

  1. The QEMU-on-Plan 9 strategy paper has morphed, growing a lot more discussion of QEMU internals. The latest version, which is still a draft (and therefore contains some FIXME notes, sorry) is available here.

  2. Changes to libdynld are complete. The tarball is here. Some additional commentary on these changes is forthcoming.

  3. With all of this in place, and QEMU’s 386 target micro-ops library compiling, my dyngen can emit the right kind of code for the dynamic translator. Some comparison is available here.

Baby dyngen (2007/07/11)

Substantive (if demo quality) progress has been made on the dynamic code translator, dyngen. Some demo code is available here (requires upstream dynld code, mirrored here). Commentary about the demo, dyngen, and next steps has been shunted to another file so as not to clog the blog page.

Some updates have been made to the strategy paper to talk about a new translation buffer strategy (thanks to Eckhardt) and say a bit more about dynld, including discussion of an extension to make the immediate value folding dance easier for dyngen.

Well hello (2007/06/22)

Apologies for the rather pronounced radio silence up until now, but I have been working with Eckhardt to produce a strategy paper. It identifies what seem to be key hurdles for getting the QEMU code generator working on Plan 9 (under kencc) and proposes at least one and usually more solution per problem.

I would deeply appreciate feedback from any and all interested parties. My email address is

[Update: now using the absolute path for the paper. Thanks to Oksel for pointing out the need.]