Plan 9 and Inferno at the Google Summer of Code

FP Final Update

I have done a snapshot of my code in a tar.gz file, I don't know how to upload this snapshot so I have copied this to my home dir in 

Finally I have not success with the planning I'd done. Actually the plugin loads and runs libinit and emuinit, but fails while running disinit. I have translated the thread management to pthread, and the problem happens about the exception and error handler, I have problems when calling waserror(), I've seen in the IE plugin that it changes the exception handler, I think that I might do the same but I'm not sure about it.

The error that I had with the free calls is solved, I was using the __clone proc to create threads, now I use pthread_create and it seems to solve the problem, now I have core dumps of the errors and I can use it to solve the problems.

About the other goals of the project the status is: